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Credit Made EZ
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Uni-K retirement plans

The Uni-K is a way that self-employeed, including sole employee of your own corporation, people can contibute up to 100%(For less than $14 2/3K in salary, $11K + 25% of salary up to a limit of $40K, e.g. $40K for $150K or more in salary) of their self-employment income for retirement.

Even if you have a job, consider starting a small business on the side(any hobbies that could turn a profit?) and contributing ALL of your income from that business to a Uni-K. It is a great way to fund your retirement.

It doesn't have to be a Circus! I saw this site, thought it would be relevant and then was surprised!

If you live in Colorado or Wisconsin and wish to establish a Pioneer Uni-K, you can contact Dave Colliton for more information.

Please send any questions or comments to: credit@creditmadeez.org
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